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Friday, May 1, 2009

Be a worker for the Harvest | Be a worker for the Lord

Matthew 9:36-38 (NIV)
“When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Then he said to his disciples, "The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field."


When Jesus ascended to heaven, he left us with a commission to go to the world and make disciples. He didn’t leave it neither only to the disciples nor only to the 500 people who witnessed his ascension. No, Jesus said it to all of us, his believers. This is not just a job of the pastors, ministers and church workers but a job for each one of us. We signed up for it when we accepted Jesus Christ in our hearts.

Sadly, only few have really taken this commission by heart. Only few have really gone to the world and only few have really obeyed. There are a lot of idle workers out there. Workers who chose to keep the treasure they received for free.

You do not need to be missionaries who go to other countries to preach. Because only some people have been called to do that but you can be workers of the Lord even in your own homes, schools and workplaces. You just need to live a life that’s a blessing to others and light for others to follow.

Think about your neighbor, your friends, your family, your workmates, your bosses, your subordinates, they are your harvest field. They are your assignment.
If we don’t stand up and work and harvest them, who will?

Let us pray to the Lord of Harvest to send more Workers to the field. Let us also pray that we be the answers to this prayer.

Today, is Labor’s Day here in the Philippines. And Instead of the usual rallies for salary increase and etc., let me take this opportunity to recognize all our missionaries and workers who are out there in the field laboring, preaching the Word, sharing the Love of God and even suffering for Christ wherever they are. Let this day be a day of reminder to each one of us to pray for them. Let us pray for provision, for perseverance, for strength, for encouragement and for comfort from our Lord Jesus Christ. May they continue to make a difference in other people's lioves. God bless them more!
God bless you too!

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