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Monday, April 19, 2010

Hachiko: A Dog's Story| Movie Monday

It's Movie Monday again!

Today I'll feature a movie I haven't heard about until last two weeks when my agent asked me if I have heard of it. And because I'm fond of dogs, I got interested and searched it in Wikipedia right away. Right there and then, I got amazed and was impressed with the story and it's based on a REAL story.

The movie is about a dog of Akita Breed named Hachiko. He was adopted by a man who found him in a train station. This dog and the man then became so close that Hachiko walks with his owner and waits at the station's entrance everyday until the owner returns from work. When one day, his owner died st the school where he works , Hachiko still waited in the same place till it was dark.   And this he does evereyday. And I mean everyday for the next 10 years: same time, same place until he died.

Note: Hachiko is from the Japanese word Hachi which means "lucky" according to the movie but according to baby names websites, Hachi simply means 8.

Starring Richard Gere, this is one movie who will move you to tears, kiss your dogs again, and thank them for their loyalty.

Hachiko: A Dog's Story

 Rating: 3/5
- The story is the story. I mean nothing more. Yes, I'm touched with the story and all but that was just it. It's still a passing 3 out of 5 though because it's good to see the story come to life no matter how simple it is. Enjoy!

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