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Sunday, August 2, 2009

Search Me And Know My Heart

Yesterday was an AMAZING Sunday for me.
First,I'm the preacher. And to be honest, it's just so hard. Not because I don't know how to speak and not because I don't have any material to use. I mean I can just easily search for a Sermon online and study it. But No, I desire to preach and speak the "fresh" word of GOD that comes from the mouth of God. As God's Word would say:

Matthew 4:4 (New International Version)
4Jesus answered, "It is written: 'Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.'"

Second, I am one of the teachers for the English Tutorial in our Church. This activity aims to make every member in the Church "excellent" in their speech and writing using the Internationally Accepted English language. I handle the English Grammar while my partner handles Oral Communication.

Lastly, we did some General Cleaning in the Church. This brings me to our reflection for today.

I learned a lot of things while cleaning. Let me share 4 of them.

1.) We don't notice how dirty the place is until you start cleaning.
>> Honestly, I got used to how the Church looked like. I mean I thought it was just okay. I wasn't bothered by it or anything. But yes, when we started cleaning, I and the rest of the group was really surprised how dirty with all the dust and cobwebs. tsk tsk tsk...
2.) Only few people really are willing to help.
>> We invited everyone to help in cleaning the church and only very few showed up.
3.) Cleaning is necessary
>> No need to explain further.
4.) Lastly, it takes effort.
>> It's tiring. You all get wet. You all get dirty. You all get messy. In fact, while writing this my back really hurts. I really don't know why I was doing. (this isn't sign of old age, alright?)

What can we learn from this?

I realize that our lives need cleaning as well. Cleaning from hurts, anger, bitterness, envy, sexual immorality and all other things that contaminate our bodies, minds and spirit.

1.) True, we seldom notice it. We can easily live normal lives even though we know we haven't forgiven somebody yet. Even though we have lied to one person the other day. It's so easy for us to just forget about it and pretend nothing happened. Pretend that we actually chose to keep rather than share and give. Pretend that we failed to share the gospel to our family and friends even though we know God has called us to do so. Let's ask God to look into our hearts and purify us from everything that doesn't glorify Him.

2.) Very few people do this. Why? It hurts. It changes your lifestyle. It contradicts to what you have been used. It BREAKS you. But let's take this time to ask God to give us courage to obey him and be cleaned for His glory. Let's be one of the few.

3.) As we always hear, "If the Lord is not the Lord of ALL, he's not the Lord at ALL." If there's anything in us that doesn't glorify HIM, that can be a hindrance to the fulfillment of God's plan for our lives.

4.) It takes us to persevere and endure. Remember we may be broken down but let's just continue to trust in our Lord knowing that HE knows what He's doing. Be assured also, that in this process you are not left alone. Jesus, our Lord will be there for us and interceding for us. All this for us to continually grow from glory to glory until He comes back to get us.

Psalm 139:23-24 (New International Version)

23 Search me, O God, and know my heart;
test me and know my anxious thoughts.

24 See if there is any offensive way in me,
and lead me in the way everlasting.

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